Saturday, July 31, 2004

Long Weekend!

All I can say is THANK GOD FOR LONG WEEKENDS! I thought this weekend would never come. I have been so busy lately that I forgot it was a long weekend until last week. It's a good thing someone casually mentioned it at work or I completely would have forgotten about it and gone into work on Monday like usual!
I think being so busy lately has left me quite grumpy and irritable most of the time. Some days I don't know how people stand being around me. I try really, really hard not to let my irritation show. Instead I focus on the positive and try to make people laugh with my often sarcastic humour. It would be nice, however, if once in a while I could offload all my irritation on the source(s) of my irritation. I suppose that wouldn't be very professional . . . though in my defence it's not usually the students who have really irritated me.
Speaking of being irritated . . . I was talking on the phone last night to a person with a talent for irritating me. This person, who is I suppose a friend (if that term is being used in the broadest sense possible), is so completely clueless sometimes it isn't even funny! She complains of being busy at school completing projects. I have really sad news for her - most days at my job (which I love, don't get me wrong) I feel as though I have 6 projects on the go, and that's before I factor in the teaching part of the day! If my friend is under the illusion that things get easy after you finish your education, she is mistaken! I don't really think she has any idea what the true life of being a teacher is all about. There is a reason why many teachers are single . . . I can't imagine having a social life after some of the 12 hour days I put in! Anyway, enough grumbling, it's time to get back to enjoying this long weekend!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Finally my computer is running!

Well, after some initial frustration (and I'm not afraid to admit, panic), my computer is finally running! I currently love it, but it's taking a while to figure out how to configure things the way I like them. It looks as if I will again have to impose upon my wonderful sister to help me get things set up just right! Hopefully this process won't take too long since the last time she helped me with the computer it took about 2 hours and she got totally dusty! I would like to send out a huge thanks to my good friends Sheryl and Koji for getting the computer up and running in such a timely fashion too! I would definitely be up %#*& creek without a paddle if not for them! Thanks guys!
I went to the wedding of my friend Cara yesterday. She was a radiant bride and the whole thing came off beautifully. It made me wish that I was getting married, which made me wish that I had someone to marry! Don't worry, I've regained my senses and have reminded myself that I am currently happy with my "singledom", as Bridget Jones would put it. Still, every once in a while I can't help but think "what if . . ."
Well, I'd better get off this machine while I can and get ready for bed. Those students of mine won't take kindly to the fact that we're doing nothing tomorrow because I was too busy playing on the computer to get a good night's sleep and plan for the day!

Friday, July 02, 2004


Well, this is the start of the weekend before the big "junior adults move to a new campus" week. None of my questions about the facility have been answered, so Monday will be very interesting! We took the students for a walk up to the school today during class so that they would at least know what it looks like and where it is. From our current campus it's approximately a 12 - 15 minute walk to the new campus. Not bad, but we won't be making many trips back and forth during the day! One thing that struck me when we got there was the presence of playground equipment which indicated that it was an elementary school. I sure hope that the 6 classrooms we are using have desks big enough for our students to sit at!! Trying to teach students who are crammed into tiny desks isn't my idea of a good time!
Speaking of this move . . . I wish that some people had been a bit more organized about the whole thing! The process would be much easier to manage if everyone involved were on top of things and didn't have to scramble around to get things done at the last minute! Aargh! I wish people would use their heads for thinking rather than just a spot to put a hat!