Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Movie Review

I just watched a great movie called "Slumdog Millionaire." It was sublime. I'd heard of it when it first came out, but I didn't think I'd ever watch it just because I knew it wasn't going to be in wide release and I couldn't really be bothered to hunt down a theatre that was playing it. I ended up watching it online (yeah, I feel a little guilty about that actually), so I missed about five minutes of it due to really bad streaming last night. Oh well. Anyway, the movie was very moving and beautifully shot. The story was sweet and very engaging. I'm glad I got to see it!

In other news . . . tomorrow is my last teaching day this year! I booked Friday off (I wanted the whole week off because after five and a half years of only get a one week break at Christmas, I felt like I deserved two weeks off, but I was told I needed to work this week to provide "leadership" as the director had already booked his two week vacation to Mexico. In case you can't read between the lines, I'm a little bitter about this. Oh, and "leadership" pretty much translates to "someone with keys who can open the door in the morning.") and I am so looking forward to my four-day weekend! I don't have plans for this time off yet, but that's okay. It will depend on what the weather's doing, and since I just looked outside and saw that it is snowing lightly, I guess the weather will play a fairly large factor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I enjoyed your movie reviews, but have not seen any of the movies you have mentioned yet. It is much harder to see a movie because we have to find someone to take care of Justin.

Anyways, we did end up seeing "The Curious Case of Benjiman Button". I left the theatre not completely convinced that I liked the movie. It seems very long (maybe I was just tired). I have thought about it several times since the movie, so I think it is worth seeing.

Hope to see you soon.
