Friday, August 03, 2007

Five Things Meme

I was tagged by Dianne to do this meme. Honestly since I enjoy doing these so much, I would have done it anyway :-)

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
- Finishing high school
- Starting university
- Working at a gas station. Definitely NEVER doing that again!
- Looking for a social life
- I can't remember! I'm getting old . . .

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
- Chocolate
- Crackers
- An apple
- Ice cream
- Popcorn

5 TV Shows I've Seen Every Episode Of:
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- House
- Friends
- Full House

5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
- Travel to Europe!!!!!!!!!!
- Buy a second home in Whistler (okay, I'd seriously have to be a mulitmillionaire for that!)
- Pay off my mortgage
- Pay off my student loans
- Pay for a friend to go back to school

5 Bad Habits:
- Not eating when I'm super-stressed out
- Eating too much when I'm only moderately stressed
- Watching tv when I should be doing something more productive
- Not cleaning my apartment regularly
- Talking with my mouth full

5 Things I Like To Do:
- Read
- Watch tv
- Go shopping
- Sing

5 Things I Would Never Wear Again:
- The tiger-striped bright pink bathing suit my mom made me one year (sorry mom!)
- My barbie t-shirt
- Toe socks (I had high hopes for them, but my toes are too short for them to be comfortable)
- Glasses with large frames
- My purple jeans

5 Favorite Toys:
- My MP3 player, which I hope to upgrade to an iPod one day :-)
- My digital camera because it has encouraged me to take more pictures
- My computer
- The CD player next to my bed
- My cell phone

5 Things I Can't Stand:
- Sleeping in a warm bedroom!
- Having the door between my bathroom and bedroom open while I'm trying to sleep
- Incompetence
- Laziness
- The smell of rotten food

Now it's my turn to tag 5 people. Hmmmm . . . Jennifer, Megan (you've been tagged twice, now you must do it!), Heather (let's see if you're reading this), Janet (now you've been tagged twice too) and anyone else reading this who hasn't done this meme yet!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


My new haircut is awesome! It's a little shorter than I had intended, but I'm okay with that because my hair grows very quickly. When the stylist started cutting it she said "when was the last time you were in here?" I said "I don't really remember. It was in the winter some time though." She said "was it a year ago?" I was like "oh no, not that long ago!" She replied with "are you sure? Because I'm cutting about a year's worth of growth to get you to the length you were last time!" Yeah . . . my hair grows very quickly. Anyway, after a very reasonably-priced haircut (just under $20 for a shampoo and cut), she was able to talk me into highlights too. It's something I've been thinking about since the last time I was in there. Anyway, I decided that it's now or never, so I've made an appointment for next week . . . pictures to follow after it's done!