Monday, March 27, 2006

My First Ever Meme

10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Time: 5:30pm - time to leave work!
Favorite Food: chocolate
Favorite Drink: coca cola
Favorite Ice Cream: vanilla
Favorite Place: my bed
Favorite Sport: to watch: hockey, to play: volleyball
Favorite Actor: tough one . . . either Kevin Kline, or Hugh Laurie
Favorite Actress: geez, even tougher! I think, for right now, Angelina Jolie

9 Currents
Current Feeling: tired
Current Drink: 5-Alive
Current Time: 10:51pm
Current Show on tv: The Apprentice (taped it earlier)
Current Mobile used: LG 200
Current Windows Open: are you kidding? Only my blog since my computer is so freakin' slow right now
Current Underwear: purple
Current Clothes: blue pajamas
Current Thought: I'm hungry again . . . must resist

8 Firsts
First Nickname: Kim (my full name is Kimberly)
First Kiss: a guy who was my best frined at the time. Now, we don't talk but not because of the kiss
First Crush: my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Zapf
First Best Friend: Amy
First Vehicle I Drove: well, a grey Mazda was the first car I ever practiced in. Still don't have my license, so maybe it wasn't a smart choice?
First Job: office helper at my dad's garage
First Date: a movie
First Pet: Anka, a black lab

7 Lasts
Last Drink: water
Last Kiss: geez . . . how sad! I DON'T REMEMBER!
Last Meal: steak at the Keg
Last Web Site Visited: Vesper's blog . . . where I got this meme
Last Movie Watched: Selena (on tv)
Last Phone Call: my mom
Last TV show Watched: The Apprentice (tape is over now)

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever: Broken the Law: yes, but minor
Have You Ever Been Drunk: nope, never. Believe it or not, Vesper!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: nope
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: nope
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: yes
Have You Ever Broken Anyones Heart: nope

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: a commercial on tv
Things On Your Bed: uhhh, two pillows, a duvet, soon me
Things You Ate Today: a chicken burger and fries at lunch, steak and garlic mashed potatoes for dinner
Things You Can't Live Without: books, movies, my friends . . . and chocolate
Things You Do When You Are Bored: read

4 Places You Have Been Today
my place, Tim Horton's, work, the Keg

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
whoa, okay . . . my computer, an empty glass, the remote control

2 Choices
Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold: usually cold

1 Place You Want To Visit
ooooh . . . current number one is Moscow, Russia

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Moving Day for Jenn, Part II

Just got home from helping sis move. It was fairly exhausting and it made me realize that for all future moves I'm either going to move into places with elevators, or I'm hiring people! My sister's new place is very nice and I'm sure that she and Lance will be very happy there. Having the door on the lowest level of a 3-level place is really going to get tiring though. I will say this though - they have their washer and dryer on the top floor with the bedrooms and that will be very nice for them. Sweet machines too - I'm jealous! The three bedrooms will definitely give them more space for their computers and their musical instruments, etc. All in all, they have a great new place!

Moving Day for Jenn

Today is my sister's moving day - yippeee! Of course I'm on the moving crew, so that's cool. The only bad part is that the new place is kinda far from me . . . particularly since I have to take the bus to get there. I think to take the bus would take me about 30 minutes, which isn't that bad . . . but still a little further away then we've ever lived from each other! Anyway, the only other thing that kinda sucks for moving day is that the only door is on the very bottom floor, so all the stuff that has to go up to the bedrooms has to go up two flights of stairs! At least Jenn and her fiance are early in their life together (if you can call dating for 6 years and living together for 3 of them early) so they don't have a whole heck of a lot of stuff yet. I'm just super-excited that I get to see their new place since I haven't seen it yet! Mom has seen it already as she got to see it during the walk through a couple of weeks ago. She said it was really nice so I'm looking forward to the whole experience. Particularly since they are serving refreshments to the moving crew! Anyway, speaking of moving . . . I'd better get myself moving so that I'm ready to leave the house!

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Here are my reasons to shout yahoo:

1. I got my new phone today. Baby, I don't know how I lived with my old phone for so long, this new phone is so great! It's sleek, sexy, and has colour! Best of all, my current wallpaper is a frog.

2. Tomorrow is Friday . . . 'nuff said.

3. My sister is moving this weekend and since I'm helping I finally, finally get to see her new place!

4. My sister is getting married in 8 days!

5. Tomorrow night is pub night and a bunch of us staff are going together.

6. My taxes are done already!

7. In a few short days I'll get to see my friend Heather, who has been teaching in Korea for the last year. We're going to have dinner and catch up on ALL the news!

8. I have two new books and a new magazine to read.

9. I'm almost finished adding a third month to all levels of my grammar curriculum.

10. It's Spring!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Getting a new phone tomorrow!

Yippee! Tomorrow afternoon I'm getting my new cell phone! It's a flip-style phone with a camera. My current phone is about 5 years old. The antenna is broken and it's beginning to look really worn. Since I have to renew my phone contract next month anyway, I decided to get a new phone at the same time. I'm pretty excited about this (can you tell?).

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Although I'm not technically Irish (my step-dad's Irish, does that count?), I just want to wish everyone a happy St. Pat's day! I dressed in head-to-toe green today, which made my students laugh . . . hard. That's what I'm here for :)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Good Bye

No, I am not going anywhere, but a good friend of mine from Church passed away on Tuesday morning from lymphoma. He was such a wise, funny, gentle man and an excellent drama teacher. His name was Colin Vint. He sang at my dad's second wedding, and in many ways he reminds me of my dad (for those who don't know, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease a few years ago and a few months later he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He is now cancer-free, but I think the chemo advanced his Alzheimer's quite quickly so now he live full-time in a hospital and doesn't walk or talk much). I guess it's because my dad was the person who took me to Church for years when I was younger and he and Colin were friends. Anyway, the memorial service is next week. I will definitely be in attendance. It really puts into perspective what's important in life and what's just crap!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Question of the day

Here's the question of the day: how can I get more people to read my blog?