Sunday, March 26, 2006

Moving Day for Jenn

Today is my sister's moving day - yippeee! Of course I'm on the moving crew, so that's cool. The only bad part is that the new place is kinda far from me . . . particularly since I have to take the bus to get there. I think to take the bus would take me about 30 minutes, which isn't that bad . . . but still a little further away then we've ever lived from each other! Anyway, the only other thing that kinda sucks for moving day is that the only door is on the very bottom floor, so all the stuff that has to go up to the bedrooms has to go up two flights of stairs! At least Jenn and her fiance are early in their life together (if you can call dating for 6 years and living together for 3 of them early) so they don't have a whole heck of a lot of stuff yet. I'm just super-excited that I get to see their new place since I haven't seen it yet! Mom has seen it already as she got to see it during the walk through a couple of weeks ago. She said it was really nice so I'm looking forward to the whole experience. Particularly since they are serving refreshments to the moving crew! Anyway, speaking of moving . . . I'd better get myself moving so that I'm ready to leave the house!

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