Monday, October 31, 2005


Gotta say, this year I'm not loving Halloween! It's just past 8pm and I haven't had any trick-or-treaters :-( I guess that means more candy for me (not that I need it), but it makes me a bit sad. Now, I did get home a bit late today so I guess it's possible that some little ones knocked on my door before I got home. I think what really put me into a non-halloween mood, however, was the fact that the work Halloween party was ruined for me on Friday (can't publish too many details about why, but if you're really interested you can e-mail me and I'll tell you the whole story). Adding to the grinchy feeling I now have towards this Halloween is the fact that I was snapped at by the boss at work today, for reasons that weren't my fault, in front of other people. That tends to put a damper on my "holiday spirits" . . . Sigh . . . I hope November is a better month than October!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


"Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day!" I guess those of us getting wet in BC these days shouldn't really complain - the beautiful days still outnumber the rainy ones (for now). It got me thinking earlier today about what my favourite season is. Honestly, there are things I like and dislike about every season. Fall is beautiful because the leaves are changing colour, but the weather tends to be rainy and raw and cold. Winter is nice because the air gets crisp and cold and right after the snow falls things look absolutely peaceful and nice. Unfortunately, I hate slipping and falling (which I am prone to do) on the ice. Spring is lovely as the weather gets warmer and all the living things start to bloom and grow. But, spring brings about "spring fever" in many people and that tends to get annoying. Summer is nice since there are many long, warm days that you can spend soaking up the sunshine, but in my profession summer is almost too busy to enjoy! I guess all this means I like all the seasons!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Daylight Savings

So I'm watching a news report now on the change of daylight savings time. This is a huge issue! I think I agree with people who think that it should just be the same time all year round. Changing the time always brings with it a host of problems, and a lot of the reasons why the time changed in the past are now obsolete. Who knew, though, that in a world as crazy and complex as this one, we would end up arguing over daylight savings time?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Look

So if you are a regular viewer of my blog you will notice a huge change to the site . . . I've changed the look completely! I decided that I wanted something new and fresh, and if you know me at all you probably know of my love of the colour pink! I know this may make some people physically sick, but too bad, I like it!
So if you could see my new apartment you would see a bunch of boxes all over the floor still! But, slowly but surely I can see a light at the end of the tunnel! My wonderful sister is coming over on the weekend to help me move some furniture, at which point I think all the furniture moving will be finished. Once the bookshelves are in place, I can finally unpack all my books, which will be really nice. Maybe then I'll be able to fight the "buy new books NOW" urge (which I've been pretty good about lately . . . I was in Chapters the other day and didn't buy a thing)!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Seven Things (AKA: Yes Dianne, I read your blog!)

7 things...
7 things I plan to do before I die
- Travel to all the countries that I have had students from
- Get married
- Get into better shape
- Become a (good) mother
- Finish the Juior curriculum!!!!!!!
- Finish my unpacking!!!
- Volunteer to help someone in need

7 things I can do
- Teach
- Sing
- Make a fool of myself in front of my students
- Juggle curriculum development and teacher without killing anyone (remember, this is this not about skill level!)
- Make people laugh
- Say no to any kind of alcoholic beverage offered
- Put off unpacking!

7 things I cannot do
- Dance
- Ask a guy out
- Listen to mindless rambling without going nuts!
- Play sports
- Watch sports on TV
- Grow things in a garden
- Pee standing up

7 things that attract me to another person
- sense of humour
- intelligence
- compassion
- age (those who know me know "the older the better")
- body
- facial hair
- hair (or lack thereof)

7 celebrity crushes
(oh this is so easy! You are talking to the co-owner of "The List". Speaking of which - HI SHANNON!)
- Patrick Stewart
- Tom Hanks
- Alan Rickman
- Hugh Grant
- Colin Firth
- Mel Gibson
- Sean Connery
7 Things I say the most
(Okay, this one is hard)
- Be quiet (to my students who never stop talking)
- Sit down! It's not break time/lunch time yet! (to my students who insist upon waiting by the door for me to say "break time" or "lunch time")
- Oh vey!
- Whatever
- Yellow card! (to my students who lover soccer, but never stop talking)
- Morning Bernie (because he's usually the first person I see in the morning)
- Bless You! (To Andrew, because he sneezes a lot!)

7 bloggers I am tagging: (if I tag you, that means you absolutely must copy and paste this into your blog with your own answers.)
- Jennifer, because she's the only untagged blogger I know

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Well, I finally have all the furniture that I need. My computer desk is all put together and working beautifully (thanks mom and Rosemarie for putting it together!), and my new filing cabinet is in place. Sadly the box unpacking is still going nowhere fast! Even though I hate having the boxes lying around, I hate unpacking them too! I'm hoping to get more done this weekend since it's a long weekend. Tomorrow I'm having dinner at my mom's place, so that should be nice. Monday will be the work day where I plan to get a lot done. We'll see how that turns out. Maybe my new goal should be to have all the boxes unpacked before Christmas! Sigh . . . Maybe I'll do a load of laundry instead.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

America's Next Top Model

So I'm watching America's Next Top Model (guilty pleasure - don't judge me, just accept it!) and I have to wonder - how can there be so many different ways to walk? Seriously, what ever happened to a simple "one foot in front of another" approach to walking? It's served me quite well over the years. I rarely fall or walk into things. I just don't get it. I guess I'm not meant to get it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


So I couldn't put together my computer desk today :-( Sadly, the company that manufactures said desk included two part E's and no part F's. Now I'm just F-ing mad! I did determine that both my tvs have the ability to work, but one tv will only work with my remote control. Where my remote control is, I have no idea! I'm fairly sure it's not in a box, and I don't see it lying around anywhere, so I'm a bit concerned. I may have to go out and buy another one. I really hope one of the guys didn't steal it . . . Just another bummer associated with moving . . . Oh, and today I discovered one other thing I kinda don't like about my new location - the lack of retaurants within easy walking distance. Now, this might end up being a plus, but let's be honest . . . a great chef I am not!