Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Look

So if you are a regular viewer of my blog you will notice a huge change to the site . . . I've changed the look completely! I decided that I wanted something new and fresh, and if you know me at all you probably know of my love of the colour pink! I know this may make some people physically sick, but too bad, I like it!
So if you could see my new apartment you would see a bunch of boxes all over the floor still! But, slowly but surely I can see a light at the end of the tunnel! My wonderful sister is coming over on the weekend to help me move some furniture, at which point I think all the furniture moving will be finished. Once the bookshelves are in place, I can finally unpack all my books, which will be really nice. Maybe then I'll be able to fight the "buy new books NOW" urge (which I've been pretty good about lately . . . I was in Chapters the other day and didn't buy a thing)!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I was setting up my own blog lately and thought of you when I saw the pink. Have you thought of changing the colour of the bar on the top too?