Monday, October 31, 2005


Gotta say, this year I'm not loving Halloween! It's just past 8pm and I haven't had any trick-or-treaters :-( I guess that means more candy for me (not that I need it), but it makes me a bit sad. Now, I did get home a bit late today so I guess it's possible that some little ones knocked on my door before I got home. I think what really put me into a non-halloween mood, however, was the fact that the work Halloween party was ruined for me on Friday (can't publish too many details about why, but if you're really interested you can e-mail me and I'll tell you the whole story). Adding to the grinchy feeling I now have towards this Halloween is the fact that I was snapped at by the boss at work today, for reasons that weren't my fault, in front of other people. That tends to put a damper on my "holiday spirits" . . . Sigh . . . I hope November is a better month than October!

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