Thursday, November 03, 2005

Question of the Day

So I've been doing some thinking about my current (lousy) work situation. It's prompted me to put the following question out into the cosmic void: at what point do you just cut your losses and quit the job? Maybe I should explain a bit about my situation in particular . . . I have worked at my current job for just over two years now. I love my job and find it challening and satisfying. I love my students and most of the people I work with. For the most part, everyone gets along well and the atmosphere in the workplace is quite friendly and relaxed. As it turns out, a great majority of the credit for this happy workplace goes to our former boss. He left his job a while back and in exchange we got a female boss that many of us had worked with before. Because of her manner of dealing with people, many of us are experiencing severe job stress. Luckily I still love other aspects of my job, and I get along well with most of the people I work with, but for the first time in two years I'm now starting to think about quitting. I just don't know . . .

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