Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'm New at This!

So after reading Jennifer's blog I've decided to give this on-line blog thing a try. I'm not sure that I have too many witty or insightful things to share, but sometimes I just have things I want to get off my chest.
Naturally with the political climate being the way it is right now I want to briefly comment on tomorrow's federal election. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for, but I will say this - don't waste your right to vote! We live in a society that gives us the freedom to choose for ourselves who will govern our country, and it's up to us to exercise this freedom. Those people who think that their one vote couldn't possibly count should talk to people who have been robbed of the right to vote.
I guess the only other thing of interest happening right now is that my mother has almost finished moving out of our townhouse (now the great roommate search can begin - YIKES!). This weekend she began painting what is to become my bedroom. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product some time in the not too distant future. I can't describe it yet since I've told Jennifer (for those of you who are uninformed, Jennifer is my wonderful sister) that I'm not going to tell her what it looks like.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey Kim,

This is awesome! I totally agree with your political message too!!! Can't wait to see the new paint job in the townhouse. I'm leaving a comment because some feedback is always helpful and affirming. At least I think so. I'd love people to comment more on my blog, so I'm commenting on yours hoping that what goes around comes around.
