Friday, July 02, 2004


Well, this is the start of the weekend before the big "junior adults move to a new campus" week. None of my questions about the facility have been answered, so Monday will be very interesting! We took the students for a walk up to the school today during class so that they would at least know what it looks like and where it is. From our current campus it's approximately a 12 - 15 minute walk to the new campus. Not bad, but we won't be making many trips back and forth during the day! One thing that struck me when we got there was the presence of playground equipment which indicated that it was an elementary school. I sure hope that the 6 classrooms we are using have desks big enough for our students to sit at!! Trying to teach students who are crammed into tiny desks isn't my idea of a good time!
Speaking of this move . . . I wish that some people had been a bit more organized about the whole thing! The process would be much easier to manage if everyone involved were on top of things and didn't have to scramble around to get things done at the last minute! Aargh! I wish people would use their heads for thinking rather than just a spot to put a hat!

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