Sunday, July 11, 2004

Finally my computer is running!

Well, after some initial frustration (and I'm not afraid to admit, panic), my computer is finally running! I currently love it, but it's taking a while to figure out how to configure things the way I like them. It looks as if I will again have to impose upon my wonderful sister to help me get things set up just right! Hopefully this process won't take too long since the last time she helped me with the computer it took about 2 hours and she got totally dusty! I would like to send out a huge thanks to my good friends Sheryl and Koji for getting the computer up and running in such a timely fashion too! I would definitely be up %#*& creek without a paddle if not for them! Thanks guys!
I went to the wedding of my friend Cara yesterday. She was a radiant bride and the whole thing came off beautifully. It made me wish that I was getting married, which made me wish that I had someone to marry! Don't worry, I've regained my senses and have reminded myself that I am currently happy with my "singledom", as Bridget Jones would put it. Still, every once in a while I can't help but think "what if . . ."
Well, I'd better get off this machine while I can and get ready for bed. Those students of mine won't take kindly to the fact that we're doing nothing tomorrow because I was too busy playing on the computer to get a good night's sleep and plan for the day!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

No problem sis! I totally don't mind getting all dusty. It was a hot day so I was already all sweaty. You just gave me a lot of justification for taking a second shower in one day!