Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sun Run

For the past couple of weeks a group of us at work have been talking about signing up for the annual Sun Run. Well, on Friday we did it! I walked it two years ago with some friends from work and had a blast, so I'm looking forward to doing it again this year. I suspect that the group dynamics this year will be way different. For starters, at least two of the people in the group will be running the 10K, while the rest of us walk it. A few people that aren't very well-liked at work have signed up to join us, which should make the conversation a little stilted. Oh well, Christine and I will have fun :-) I am the team captain this year, which apparently means that I'm in charge of going all the way down to the Hyatt Regency in April to pick up everyone's numbers and timing chips. Oh yeah! Maybe I can leave work early that day . . . yeah, right! Oh well, I guess on the skytrain it won't really take that long. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the walk - keep your fingers crossed that it's a nice, sunny day!

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