Monday, November 06, 2006

The secret to happiness is . . .

. . . dry pants! If you live anywhere in the Lower Mainland (and if you have to ask where that is, then you don't) you know that we got completely soaked today!

As I do every morning, I walked to work. I thought I was prepared. Clearly, I thought wrong. Let me paint you a picture. The walk to work is 20 minutes. I was wearing a t-shirt, a pair of brown pants, a sweater, my jacket, and rubber boots. I was carrying an umbrella. I knew I would get wet, but by the time I got to work I was TOTALLY DRENCHED! The entire right side of my body was completely soaked. I had to take off my sweater and leave it hanging over the back of my chair to dry (which took ALL day!) The right side of my pants were soaked through . . . and didn't dry until mid-morning. It was a very wet, uncomfortable morning. Luckily it stopped raining in time for my walk home.

In summary I repeat: the secret to happiness is dry pants!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

eek! yeah, that was some welcome back to the lower mainland I had on Monday. That's it! Enough rain! I'm moving!