Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome, 2008!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays . . . I have! So, how did you spend New Year's Eve? I went to see a movie with a friend and then came home. Since we were both rather tired, we skipped the whole "watch the ball drop on tv" thing and headed back to our respective homes to try and get some much-needed sleep! I was in bed reading (I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows if you're curious to know what's on my nightstand) when it became 2008 :-) I'm looking forward to a 2008 that's full of more adventures, friends, and family. Since I don't make New Year's Resolutions, I don't have any to share with you today. I hope we can share the adventure of 2008 together!!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Happy New Year, Kim!