Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Martian Death Flu

I have the martian death flu. I knew I was getting sick a couple of days ago when I came down with a cough, quickly followed by a sore throat. Yesterday was a snow day, so I got to stay home and rest, which was a really good thing since I discovered that for the first time in a long time, I had a fever! I thought rest would help, but I woke up this morning at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep after that. Around 5:30am I started getting really bad stomach cramps, and without getting to graphic, let's just say I couldn't keep anything down. At 6:45 I got a phone call saying that our school was open today, so I had to get up and get ready for work. Right around the time I was getting dressed I realized I wasn't really in any shape to teach. I headed off to work anyway because I needed to make sure my sub had a lesson plan. I spent 20 minutes trying to write out a lesson plan, while answering phones to tell people that we were open today. I was also trying to not be sick again, but wasn't so successful with that. I left work at about 8:30 and headed home. I stopped at Safeway to get some supplies like gingerale, Buckley's cough syrup, some chicken noodle soup, and buns. I finally got a short nap this afternoon between 2 and 5. Now I'm going to make my chicken noodle soup and watch tv for a little while, then it's back to bed for me!

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