Sunday, October 19, 2008


The Dollar Store across the street from my work is my new happy place. It's a Dollar Giant outlet, and it's HUGE! It has aisles upon aisles of just about anything you could ever want - canned goods, toys, office supplies, craft supplies, candy - all for just a dollar each! But by far the best discovery was the one I made last week - the M&Ms. Let me explain . . .

A while back, maybe 6 or so months ago, the movie theatres had a special kind of M&M available with their popcorn combo. They were mint crisp flavour and I LOVED them! Ever since I first tried them at the movies, I have been looking for them in the candy aisles of all the grocery and department stores I've shopped in, to no avail. I finally figured I'd have to get them at the M&M store in New York when Jennifer and I go in the spring. Then last week, I was in my happy place getting poster board. There, next to the cash register, was a display of mint crisp M&Ms. The big bags. A dollar each. I bought one package. They're still delicious. I'm going back next week to get another package. I may even get two. Like I said . . . the dollar store is my new happy place :-)

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