Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Early Morning

Not a whole lot to say this early in the morning. For the past three mornings I've been awake really early. Mostly I think it's the heat. By the time I finally fall asleep it's late, and then I'm awake early the next morning. That combined with the stress of having to find a roommate and having no luck whatsoever is really starting to get to me. I've been quite grumpy lately and I think I've probably been more short-tempered than usual. Hopefully some of the stress will decrease in a week and a half when we make the move back down to the main campus and I don't have to be at people constantly. It will also be nice to arrive at work and be able to stay there for the day rather than have to walk up the street and back down the street at the end of the day. I should have invested in one of those step counters at the beginning of the summer to see how far I've walked by now!

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