Sunday, August 22, 2004

Rude, Inconsiderate Neighbours

If you're anything like me you have probably experienced the frustration that comes from having rude neighbours. My current neighbour, who has been living next to me for about a year, claims that she hardly ever plays her music so that the music I can hear coming from her house must belong to a different neighbour. Does she seriously think I'm stupid or something? I can hear the bass from her stereo all the way across the room! I hear the vibrations, and sometimes I can feel the walls shake. Seriously, what exactly is her motive for lying to me? Now to be fair, she is better than the previous neighbours who would have the stereo turned up so loudly sometimes that the walls would shake! Some days I thought our dishes would fall down and break. What irritates me so much is not the volume of the music (especially during the day, I don't mind too much) - it's the fact that she lied to my face about it and was really rude the other night when I asked her to turn it down! There's no call to be rude and lie! Geez, it sometimes really makes me wonder why I'm nice to people at all if all I get in return is grief!

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