Sunday, February 11, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me

I've seen this meme on several other blogs and I enjoyed all the little details I've learned about those people, so I'm doing one of my own.

I have this funny habit of talking to myself. You may not think that's weird, and normally I would agree, but it's gone beyond just talking to myself. I answer myself too. I also narrate the things I'm doing, particularly at work. It's not at all unusual to hear me say something along the lines of, "okay, I'm going to make 10 copies of this grammar package, then I'll send that e-mail to X, and now I'm looking for that worksheet I need for language arts class . . ." I have to tell the people around me to tell me to shut up once in a while or I won't stop!

I once went to a Star Trek convention dressed in a costume. I'd do it again. 'nuff said.

When I was younger one of my favourite snacks was a mustard sandwich. Not a sandwich with mustard on it, but a piece of break with nothing but mustard. Yummy!

I'm 20-something years old and I've never had a drop of alcohol to drink. I never intend to drink alcohol either.

I do not like the movies Bambi or Dumbo. I find them both incredibly boring.

I am a teacher, but I have not yet developed an addiction to coffee. I'll have the occasional cup, particularly if I feel a headache coming on or if I'm really tired, but usually weeks can go by before I pour myself another cup of coffee.

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