Monday, September 08, 2008

If you do not like reading about vomit, you may want to skip this post now!

Yeah, so by the time I went to bed on Thursday night, I knew something was terribly wrong. At 10:30 I ran to the washroom to vomit. I threw up the small dinner of chicken wings and potatoes (leftovers from the night before that I got from Safeway) that I'd eaten a few hours earlier. By 12:30, when I'd been back and forth to the washroom at least 6 times already, I knew I was seriously sick and should probably think about typing up a quick lesson plan for a substitute since I didn't think I'd be making it into work on Friday. After typing up my lesson plan, vomiting yet again, and breaking my toilet flusher (more on that in a minute), I was pretty much praying for a quick death. Seriously.

After about 12:30, the vomiting started to slow down to hourly rather than every 10-15 minutes. I managed to catch about 20 minutes of sleep each time I lay back down (note to self: sleep on the bathroom floor next time, it would be much faster!). By 6:30am I had pretty much given up on the idea of sleep and I called my boss to let him know I wouldn't be in. Fridays are one of my opening days, so it was really important that I let someone know early that I wouldn't be in so that the school could still be opened on time. Then I proceeded to call my mom (she gets up early, so I knew 6:30 in the morning wouldn't be an overly shocking time to get a phone call) to ask her and my stepdad to come over and fix my toilet again and bring me some gingerale and juice. They came just before 9, by which time I had stopped throwing up, THANK GOD!

Yeah, so the continuing saga of my toilet. My mom and stepdad fixed the constant drip, drip, drip, drip, drip a few days ago. I guess after the rest of the toilet innards got fixed, the flusher decided it needed to call attention to itself and chose to do so by breaking, mid-flush. That was totally awesome. Flushing manually after each purge was the icing on the cake of a totally fantastic night. At least it was an easy fix in the morning!!

I've pretty much fully recovered now. The only logical explanation for my illness is food poisoning, but I'm still not sure what the culprit was. Was it the chicken from Safeway? The ham on the Safeway sandwich I ate for dinner? Something not related to food? Anyway, after spending the better part of the weekend resting in bed, I'm feeling better. Still tired, but better.

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