Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Things I am grateful for . . .

It's time to post another list of things I'm grateful for. I've been feeling really, really down lately because of a situation at work. It's time to remember all the good things . . .

1. My friends. They rock.
2. My family. They also rock.
3. I survived a hectic summer!
4. I went grocery shopping today and bought strawberries.
5. New fall clothing!
6. New tv season starting . . . which means lots of new shows to watch, and new episodes of old favourites!
7. Laughter
8. Decent weather that's not too hot and not too cold
9. The gigantic birthday balloon that I got on Friday. Seriously, it's huge. It survived the journey home and stands proudly in my dining room. Check out the pictures on my facebook if you want to see it in person.
10. The fact that for the first time ever, I have enough money in my bank account that I don't have to worry about running out of money before my next paycheck.

And now, kind bloggers, it's time for me to eat dinner!

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