Wednesday, August 16, 2006

boy, are my arms tired ;-)

So I had this really weird dream last night and I just had to share it with my loyal blog readers (all two of you). WARNING: THIS DREAM CONTAINS A STAR TREK REFERENCE. IF THAT MAKES YOU NAUSEOUS, STOP READING HERE!

Still with me? Here it goes . . . I was flying, relatively low to the ground, in a lawn chair. This seemed to be completely normal to me. I was flying over what appeared to be grassy hills bordered by forests, and it seemed to be a small airport (like the airports for small private planes, not commercial airlines). There were planes taking off beneath me and I must have been high enough for this not to interfere with my flight but when I looked down it looked like I was only about 15 to 20 feet above the ground. I kept radioing the "tower" (though none was in sight) talking about cloning my signal so that I appeared to look like a plane. After I crossed the runway, I started to go down for a landing. I landed safely, though I touched down pretty hard, and waited impatiently for my travelling companion to land. I was worried that he had not made it safely. A few minutes later he stumbled towards me from the top of a low hill, coming from some trees. He looked in rough shape, but he was safe. That man was Leonard Nimoy (Spock) from Star Trek. But not Leonard Nimoy as he would look today. It was a young Leonard Nimoy like in the Star Trek days. It wasn't Spock, but it was the actor when he was young and played the character of Spock. Then, after I could see he was safe, the dream started again from the beginning and the exact same things happened again. How weird is that?

So my loyal blog readers, I now invite you to tell me about your strange or weird dreams. Or, if you have some kind of expertise in interpreting dreams, can you please tell me what the hell this dream was supposed to mean?!


Jenn said...

Ok, so I did some digging through The Complete Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball, and here are some of the key points I came up with.

The aspect of flight is an attempt to free yourself from inhibitions or self-imposed limitations and an attempt to understand your own subconscious. In particular, the presence of Leonard Nimoy/Spock, may indicate a need/attempt to get in touch with the traits that he embodies for you (which will depend on how you view him). Also, he may symbolize your need to learn to develop 'masculine' traits - learn to develop your own judgement without over-developing the need to compete with men or be destructive to women, to learn to judge without being judgemental, and create strategy without being inflexible.

The fact that you were sitting in a chair indicates a need for rest (kinda obvious at the end of this summer). But taken with the other symbols, it may also mean a temporary rest of your 'feminine' side while you explore your 'masculine' traits.

I put the words in quotes because they were the ones used by the book. Rephrasing it from my perspective, I think it means you need to take a look at what the figure in your dream symbolizes to you and take a break from your normal patterns to explore and develop those other traits.

Dianne said...

I used to have a recurring dream in which Crocodile Dundee was helping to rescue me from a run-away escalator. Not the actor who played him, but C.D. himself. Weird, hey? Haven't had that one for a few years.

When life is most stressful (especially before exams) I dream that my teeth are loosening and falling out.

Dianne said...

PS - it was that really long escalator at Granville Station... don't know if that makes a difference

Kim said...

Jenn - I can certainly identify the need to rest in the dream imagery! As it's getting harder and harder to get out of bed in the mornings I think I need a really long and relaxing rest.

Dianne - That Granville Station escalator scares me! I would definitely need rescuing if it got out of control. As for the teeth dream . . . EEEEEWWWWWW! I hope you don't have that dream too often!

Jenn said...

Ok, I found it . . . teeth falling out means we are going through some form of transition.