Thursday, December 07, 2006

Out Wit, Out Last, Out Play

Why do I freakin' cry EVERY SINGLE time there's a Survivor episode on featuring the Survivors seeing their loved ones? Seriously, I'm bawling right now as I watch it! Why am I such a sap?!


Admin said...

i cry when i watch ANTM.

Dianne said...

sigh... me too

I have actually been watching Survivor for the first time this season, but started half way in, and usually miss the first bit. It's tremendously fun to get all catty with them during tribal counsel.

What good is a show, Kim, if we can't indulge in a few weird tears during it.

Kim said...

Dianne, Vesper, it may interest both of you to know that later on that night I cried during E.R. too. Bloody sexy John Stamos!

Admin said...

my new blog: