Saturday, June 10, 2006

Warning: Faulty Appendix Story

Yesterday one of the students at my school, a boy who I see everyday and is always friendly and says "hi Kim" to me, was taken to the emergency room with a faulty appendix. Yes, he has appendicitis! When I went to the hospital yesterday afternoon to visit him, he was still in the Emergency Room with a morphine drip to control the pain. The poor guy . . . he's all alone in Canada and we can't find his gaurdian. All of our minor students are supposed to have guardians when they come to Canada, but sometimes these guardians are more like "paper guardians" that only sign the documentation but don't know or care about the student who they are supposed to guard. Anyway, there were people from the school who were going to stay with him overnight. He was supposed to go into surgery late last night or early this morning. I'm sure that he'll be just fine, but I worry about him being in the hospital over the weekend without anyone to sit with him and visit him. I told my colleague from the school that if they couldn't get hold of the guardian to call me and I would come and stay with him for a while. This afternoon I'll stop and pick up a get well soon card and maybe a Korean book or magazine to bring to him.


Dianne said...

So how's your student now? Poor guy!

Kim said...

John is going to be fine! As far as I know he's still in the hospital, but he should be released soon. Sadly, he doesn't have a guardian here but in Powell River, so Korean speakers from the school took turns sitting with him during the weekend.