Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another Kill Count

Bathroom: 10
Kitchen: 6


Sweet. If only all problems could be solved with a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of vinegar, and a drop of dish soap! Although wasn't it Mary Poppins who sang "just a spoonful of a sugar helps the medicine go down"?

In other news . . . today I met the majority of the new teachers I will be working with over the summer. It seems to be an interesting group. A lot of them are trained public school teachers, so that should improve the organization and general level of chaos. Several of the teachers already know each other from the school they currently work at, so that's neat. Hopefully that will work to our advantage - I don't want a situation where we have a group of teachers who do nothing but fraternize with each other! I do have a wonderful teacher who is returning from last year, so that should help. He's a great guy who is completely reliable and gets along well with everyone. There is another woman who is a bit older that I'm not sure about. I'm hoping she doesn't turn out to be like a current teacher we have who can't handle the teenagers and gets all upset every week. Don't get me wrong - I've definitely been in the situation where I have a class that's hard to handle and it makes me upset, but I only ever lost it at work once! Even that situation was extreme in that I'd had to deal with one thing after another after another after another, culminating in a student stealing the damn batteries from the classroom clock. At least I learned a few things from that situation. But, I digress.
I've decided that in order to cope with the summer (and hopefully avoid getting yet another ulcer) I've got to do a couple of things to relax myself. To that end, I've decided that I deserve a little pmapering. I've booked myself for a 30 minute massage on July 3rd. The following Sunday I'm getting a spa pedicure! The pedicure is part of a friend's stagette that is being held at a spa in Richmond. It should be a lot of fun - and what great timing!

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