Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oregon Pictures

Hey y'all, here are some pictures I took in Oregon. Enjoy!
Here are my grandparents, Bob and Evaline Bixby, and my step-sister Roisin (pronounced Row-sheen).

Here's a picture of where my sis and I slept. I had the bed on the right, Jennifer slept in the bed on the left. The room was in the basement, so it was nice and cool at night. One thing I found rather interesting was how differently Jennifer and I perceived the temperature downstairs. I know that Jennifer feels the coolness a lot more than I do, so I was curious to know how comfortable she'd be in the basement. She ended up wearing long-sleeved pajamas and sleeping with the top sheet, blanket and quilt covering her. In contrast, I slept in shorts and a tank top with only the top sheet covering me. I slept under the window, which I only closed because I figured Jennifer would be cold with it open all night.

This is my grandparents' house. They live in a city called St. Helens.

Here's a cool house in St. Helens.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Ok, I so totally wasn't cold! I wore those pyjamas because they were the only ones that I could find that fit. Silly sister!