Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Or in my case, Wednesday evening! I was supposed to get a haircut this morning, but when I arrived at the salon I was told that my stylist had called in sick. They couldn't call me because I was the first appointment of the day and my stylist called in right before the appointment. Anyway, I opted to make a new appointment than have my hair cut by someone else. I'm looking forward to possibly getting a new look (or will I chicken out and just ask for a trim?) - I've had my same hairstyle with varying lengths for at least 10 years now. All I want is something easy to maintain. I've even started to think about dyeing it (my students all think I dye my hair anyway, so I may as well!) or getting some highlights. I hesitate though because I don't want to have to return to the stylist all the time to maintain the colour. We'll see. Definitely won't be dyeing it on Wednesday, but it's something to think about for the future. I have this fantasy of sitting in the stylist's chair and saying to her "it's just hair. Do whatever you want to it, it'll grow back." Anyway, if my hair turns out really different I'll try and post some pictures after it's done :-)


Dianne said...

Oooo... let her do whatever she wants! It's fun :)

Usually, though, they seem to like a little guidance, like "I want it short, what kind of cut do you think would look nice that way?"

Have fun!

Kim said...

"Let her do whatever she wants! It's fun!" Dianne, does that mean you've had some experience at this? I'm guessing yes given the nature of the rest of your comment. Thanks for the tip - I will try to give her a little more guidance than "easy to maintain"!

Jenn said...

Pics, pics, pics. We want pics!

Dianne said...

Yes, pictures please!

haha, yeah this approach is how I ended up with a fun shaggy boy-cut. it was easy to take care of and easy to girl-it-up with a few little clips.

do not, however, take in a picture of Mandy Moore with a cute short-cut and say "I want something like this". Eyes will roll... or so I've been told...