Saturday, October 28, 2006

Potluck Potpourri

Last night I went to an Italian potluck dinner. It was very, very yummy! I got to see some friends that I hadn't seen for a while - so hooray! I have to admit that I was a little concerned about going after having lunch with two colleagues from work on Tuesday. They were talking about all the times people go to potlucks and get food poisoning. One of the guys told us that his wife got sick two separate times after two separate potlucks. That's when I chimed in and said "gee, I'm going to a potluck on Friday" to which both guys just laughed. Sigh. Thanks M and B!

You'll notice that I am posting these thoughts on our potluck the day after the potluck. I didn't want to gross anyone at the potluck out, particularly after my friend Amy told me that she has been reading my blog. Hi Amy!

Once again I wished for my camera last night. When Jennifer and I took the bus to her place last night we passed by several houses who had gone all out to decorate for Halloween. I LOVE halloween and I really, really wanted to take pictures of the spookiness. Jennifer reminded me that I have a camera phone, but the quality of those pictures leaves a lot to be desired.

I also wanted to take some photos of my friends at dinner last night. There were LOTS of "kodak moments" when Jennifer and Lance broke out the Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) video game for little Kazzie to enjoy. He danced the night away with various dance partners including Lance, Jerry, Amy, daddy Koji, me, and Jennifer. Watching everyone dance was lots of fun.

Before I leave you all for the day, I want to share this pearl of wisdom from the four-and-a-half year old Kazzie: "my head gets really long when I jump!" It took me forever to figure out what Kazzie was talking about! We were standing in front of the stove checking on the progress of dinner. There was a big, shiny pot of water boiling on the stove for the spaghetti. The image in the pot was really distorted and lengthened everything! When Kazzie jumped up and down his head got really long. It was the first of many previously mentioned photo opportunities!


Jenn said...

Well, I took a bunch of pictures for the kodak moments during DDR and I plan on blogging some of them. It looks like I'll even be upgrading to Flickr pro as early as this weekend, and then I'll put them all up there. I'll also try to sneak in a walk tomorrow and get some pictures of the Halloweeny houses for ya!

Kim said...

Yeah - more pictures!! I'm looking forward to seeing them, it will remind me of what a good time we had last night!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!

Yeah, the potluck was lots of fun. What happened to your camera? I can get Jerry to email out some photos either later today or tomorrow. Hope the halloween costume is going well.


Kim said...

Hi Amy! I'm glad you left a comment! Nothing happened to my camera, I just forgot it at home. There have been a couple of times when I've wanted it and realized I had forgotten it at home. Good news though - I finally figured out my Halloween costume! It only cost me about $7 from Zellers! I will definitely be bringing my camera to work on Halloween and will take and post a lot of pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey all - well, I had to leave a comment after seeing the "my head gets really long when I jump" - I gotta say, my kiddo says a lot of really weird things but once you know the context they totally make sense - keeps our brains sharp. it was a great dinner (and no one got food poisoning either!).