Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Okay, seriously . . .

what's up with Lorelai this season on GG? She is supposed to be with Luke, NOT Christopher! I get the fact that he's Rory's dad, but this is just weird. C'mon, we're supposed to believe that all that sexual tension and chemistry over the last six years was leading up to Lorelai and Christopher getting back together?! Does anyone else have any thoughts on this new season? I'm thinking that the episodes have been fairly lacklustre so far. I miss all the snappy dialogue. There have been a few flashes of it, but not really enough to justify a full hour's worth of show. What do you think?

Now House is a show I've missed lately. I'm currently watching a rerun. Someone, in their infinite wisdom, decided that while the World Series was on we shouldn't have any new episodes of House. Who the f*ck thought that was a good idea? There won't be a new episode on until Halloween! I don't know if I can last that long! Today is the first day in three weeks that I've watched House. I'm surprised that I didn't experience withdrawal symptoms. I think it's because Hugh Laurie is one of the pictures on my sexy British men mug and his is the display picture on my MSN Messenger.

And finally I thought I should remind everyone that I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. If my students drive me totally nuts maybe I'll get her to shave my head bald so that I can go get an awesome wig and go to work dressed as someone they don't know. Then they can't bug me. Yeah, right!

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