Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hot Hot Hot

Have I mentioned lately that I'm in love with this man?

This is the picture on my desktop at home. If you can't read the words, it says "Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?"

Sigh . . . That's sexy, right there. Why doesn't he have an unmarried twin brother??


Dianne said...

lol... I can't separate the actor from the character... seeing his face makes me want to throttle someone... mostly him. ;)

Looks like your shopping trip was a huge success. I'm getting the shopping bug out of my system with a daytrip to West Edmonton Mall tomorrow. Whee!

Kim said...

Dianne: Yeah for shopping! I had lots of fun shopping and am already making a mental shopping list for next time ;-)

Other people have mentioned to me their desire to throttle House and that's cool with me 'cuz of course it means less competition ;-)