Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Love of P

Got this from Vesper's blog:

Here are the rules: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write 10 words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

Here goes nothing!

1. Pants: I am a girl. I WAY prefer wearing pants to a skirt. I own several pairs of skirts and two dresses. But, I still prefer pants. Go figure.

2. Pee: (You had to know this was coming up) I pee everyday. Usually more than once a day. My students, who are teenagers, think it's hilariously funny to talk about pee. Oi vey!

3. Pretty: When I got my hair cut on Sunday I thought I looked very pretty.

4. Poo: (Yes, I am going there) Again, my students think it's hilariously funny to make jokes about poo. At our school, the staff have two possible bathrooms they can use. One is in the staffroom (next to the kitchen area, which is rather gross when you think about it). The other one is down a main hallway and is accessed by a punching a code into a keypad. The washroom in the hallway is the designated poo washroom.

5. People: As a general rule, I think all people are a little weird. I like to study people's behaviour and try and understand the reason why they act the way they do. There are days when I really hate people and the things they do.

6. Psychology: I was going to major in psychology in university! That is, until I figured out that I was better at English, and English was better for the education degree I wanted to pursue.

7. Peace: It's a good thing. My Korean students make the peace sign (you know, the first two fingers in a vee shape) in EVERY freakin' photograph they appear in. For them however, the sign doesn't actually mean peace, it means victory . . . as in Korea will be victorious over all.

8. Politics: I generally don't follow politics all that closely. I can say that I LOATHED one particular politician . . . Christie Clark, former Education Minister. If I ever meet her in a dark alley I'm going to go postal on her ass!

9. Pears: Not my favourite fruit. Unless they're diced and packed in pear juice. Then I will eat them.

10. Purse: I recently bought a new purse. I love it! It's a Roots purse, but I got it at Bentley.

Remember people, if you want a letter, comment on this post and tell me that you want to play too!


Dianne said...

Hate school... must procrastinate... might I hear Opportunity at the door?

Kim said...

Dianne, your letter is R! Have fun!!

Jenn said...

Oooh! Ok, I'll actually play this one. Not sure how long it'll take me, but hopefully not too long.

Kim said...

Okay sista - your letter is A :-) Can't wait to read it!

Admin said...

nice! thanks for playing!

Jenn said...

Ok, my A post is up. Actually, I should call it my A+ post, just because it's that good!