Monday, May 22, 2006

Woo Hoo! Day Off!

Happy Victoria Day! All that means to me is that I get a day off of work, but if you celebrate Victoria Day then I send you my good wishes!

When and why did the weather turn to crap? When it comes to weather I'm very contradictory. I like the sun, but I don't like it too hot. I like rain, but not every day. I like winter, but it makes me slightly depressed. I like summer, but it makes me stressed out. I don't think I have a favourite season since there's something to like about all of them. I like the winter temps, the blossoming that comes in the spring, the fruits of summer, and the gorgeous fall colours. How weird am I?

Forgot to mention that I saw "The Da Vinci Code" on Saturday! Although it has pretty much gotten slammed in the press, I really liked it. They stayed fairly faithful to the book, though my one little disappointment was that they didn't really play out the whole "treasure hunt" aspect of the book. There were a couple of fairly brutal scenes though. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but there were a couple of gasps from me! I loved Tom Hanks (as per usual) and Audrey Tatou. Sir Ian McKellan was his usual self, which I actually don't overly like. There's something about him that irritates me, but whatever. Paul Bettany was good too as Silas. I'm not a very discriminating moviegoer; I pretty much like everything I see. But I did really enjoy this movie. I think those critics were just overly critical!

I'm going to leave you now with 5 things you (maybe) don't know about me:

1. I'm addicted to court shows. I love People's Court (which is what I'm currently watching) and Judge Judy in particular. Always have, probably always will.

2. I hated math when I was in school, but now I'm fascinated with numbers. And Numb3rs.

3. I have a list of hot men that I maintain with a former coworker. We have our individual lists and our shared list. Yes. My list includes Patrick Stewart and Tom Hanks.

4. When I was younger I attended many Star Trek conventions. I think I've been to 10. Good times. I will always regret not seeing Patrick Stewart when he was in Vancouver.

5. I got a sexy new haircut yesterday. Maybe one day, when I have time and the inclination to fiddle with my blog, I'll post some pictures. Until then, use your imagination! Oh, and when you do, make me look a few years younger, okay?

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