Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Prison Diary

I don't normally post book reviews on my blog because that's not what this blog is about. I'm making an exception this time because I just read a book that really moved me. I'm a big fan of Jeffrey Archer - I've read just about everything he's written. I just now finished volume one of his prison diary, aptly titled "A Prison Diary". I picked it up from the library to try it out since I am a fan of his fictional books. I did not expect to have my eyes opened by the book - nor did I expect to absolutely devour it so voraciously. The books chronicles his first 21 days in prison - what new experiences he goes through, how he spends his days, and the people he meets. Prison, as you may expect, is highly routined and so I figured that the book would get a little stale. It's Archer's descriptions his fellow inmates that hooked me. He recounts exactly what these people are in prison for and what these people tell him. In a word, it's fascinating. The book made me laugh and cry. I will now think twice when I hear people talking about how cushy jail must be since the prisoners are "given three square meals a day and free television." There are two other volumes in Archer's prison diaries publication and I've got both of them on hold at the library.
What about you? What books have you read recently, or not so recently, that surprised you or made you think about something in a different way?

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I am currently reading Pride & Prejudice again, as I have not had time to get to a bookstore or library to find something new, but it's just as good as it was last time, if not better!

Can't say it is making me think in a new or different way, though... just picking up on little quirks and details that were missed before.