Friday, April 21, 2006

An Update on Work

When I last posted I was afraid that the sh*t was going to hit the fan as a result of a talk that the boss's boss had with her based on complaints from me and a couple of other colleagues. I was really nervous about how yesterday was going to go. I didn't know how the boss was going to react, but I was pretty sure it was going to be negatively. She didn't disappoint! I got the evil eye, which isn't really unusual for her. Our few exchanges were rather terse. The Assistant Director bore the brunt of her wrath though - apparently they had a closed-door *talk* that involved tears from both parties. Resignation was mentioned by the witch, but we still don't know for sure if this is just talk. I guess the next couple of weeks will tell the tale.
Here's what I don't get though: the woman is desperately unhappy in the job and even if she were happy, it's a hugely stressful job. Now that she knows that she has no friends at work, why would she stay? Ultimately isn't that worse for you and your life satisfaction? I know I've complained about work, but at the end if the day, I still laugh a lot more than I frown and I care about my students and teachers. I think of the teachers under my charge as *my* teachers, and I get VERY protective of them. My students are like my kids (even the annoying ones), and I am equally protective of them (and by protective I mean I always have their best interests at heart - academically, behaviourally, and socially).
I think the next few weeks will be more stressful for her than for any of us. I'm pretty sure she's going to be under a microscope from above because we were told that if her behaviour doesn't change then further action would be taken. In the past 48 hours, this 52-year-old woman has refused to look certain people in the eye (me included), has been rude and abrupt with people she has to work closely with, and has flat-out lied to the entire staff during a staff meeting while at the same time making a really rude and inappropriate comment. Isn't that a good indicator of maturity and suitability for the job? Mind you, I suppose if I'm being fair I would have to admit that I don't know if my reaction in her situation would be much better. I have to think it would be, but I don't know.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I refuse to let her attitude towards me and my colleagues affect my mood and attitude at work. During the past 48 hours I have still been the same cheerful person I've always been, even when dealing with the witch (whom I don't actually call the witch at work, in case you were curious). I have been friendly and polite to her and even though she acts miserably, I don't let it get to me. If she thinks that she can make me miserable, she's got another thing coming. I'm damn stubborn and I refuse to be made to feel bad by her. It's become a challenge now - I CAN and WILL outlast her.

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