Thursday, April 20, 2006

Will the Sh*t hit the fan today?

So I'm a little worried about what's going to happen at work today. Regular readers of my blog know that I have a boss who is completely unqualified for her job and a real tyrant. Her *antics* are really becoming a problem in the workplace and many, many people are unhappy working for/with her. Here's an example of something that happened yesterday: Between classes we have a ten minute break. There are clocks all over the school and all of them are slightly off with their time-keeping abilities because they're cheap clocks. My watch always tells correct time and I periodically reset my classroom clock because some of my students have issues with lateness and I want to make sure they know the correct time. Yesterday after the break I returned to my classroom only to discover that my classroom clock said 11:44 when I knew that it was only 11:40 and I was on time for class. My students took great glee in informing me that I was late, but I knew I wasn't and that the clock had been changed. That really pissed me off because I've had students tamper with my clock before (which is dumb because I always wear a watch). Anyway, when I asked them who changed the clock they all replied "(name of boss) did it!" Which (name of boss) confirmed a few seconds later when she walked past my classroom. Needless to say, this made me LIVID! This is just one example of the little mind games my immature, 52-year-old boss plays. I think she knew that I went to her boss earlier in the morning to complain about her. Several other employees in the past couple of days have also complained. So yesterday evening before we left, the boss of our boss went into her office to have a closed-door chat with her about her behaviour, language (she swears like a trucker and in the workplace it's not appropriate) and other things. I have to be honest - I'm worried about what the fallout will be today! I know that we were in the right and we didn't exaggerate or lie about anything, but my boss is not the type of person to recognize her faults and try to change. She's a mean, vindictive person who will likely either give me the cold shoulder all day (which would be fine), play more mind games today (geez, grow up already!), or come in to have a confrontation with a few of us this morning (not a fun way to start the day!). I'm hoping that since she's already unhappy in her job that yesterday would have just put her over the edge and she'll end up quitting, but I don't know if I'm that lucky! I'll update when I know more!

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