Friday, September 22, 2006

60 Questions

1) Do you talk in your sleep? I have been known to in the past. I've even argued with people in my sleep.

2) Ocean or pool? Pool

3) What song is on your iPod right now? I have an iPod? COOL! Oh wait, no I don't . . .

4) Current crush? Yeah, like I'd tell you. But yes, I currently have a crush on someone. It's a new/old crush and this guy makes me feel happy and tingly inside whenever I see him.

5) What's your favorite color(s)? Pink, blue and purple.

6) Window seat or aisle seat? Hmmmm. While it's sometimes cool to look at the view, I do like sitting on the aisle better.

7) Ever met anyone famous? Nope. But I'm pretty sure I saw Kelly Osbourne once in Vancouver.

8) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Had? My life is just beginning baby!

9) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I cut it. Does that freak you Italians out?

10) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Neither. It I absolutely had to choose . . . neither.

11) Baseball or Football? To watch, football. To play, baseball.

12) How long do your showers last? Maybe 10 or 15 minutes?

13) Do you know how to drive a stick? You can drive sticks?

14) Cake or ice cream? Cake. Or cake with ice cream.

15) Are you self-conscious? Yes.

16) Have you ever given money to a bum? No. I work in an area with a lot of them, and while I do feel bad for them, I wouldn't give them money.

17) Have you been in love? Yup

19) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Only in the front seat when my mom went to the hospital for her kidney stones.

20) Can you tango? Never tried, but given my poor dance abilities . . . probably not.

21) Last gift you received? A belated birthday present from Sheryl. Some lovely body milk that I've already started using.

22) Last sport you played? Baseball I guess, when I threw a paper ball at a student and he used his water bottle to bat it back to me. Oh, and I walked home from work today.

23) What would you like to spend a lot of time doing? Reading, relaxing, travelling.

24) Last wedding attended? Brad and Janine's wedding at the end of July.

25) Favorite FAST food restaurant? Gotta agree with Vesper on this one, Tim Horton's!

26) Most hated food? Tomato soup. I know . . . I'm weird.

27) Can you sing? Yes! And I love to sing!

28) Last person that called you? A woman from church to let me know about a funeral next week.

29) What're your least favorite chores? vacuuming!!

30) Favorite drink? Coca Cola.

31) Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced from each other, but both married to other people.

32) Are you a vegetarian? No.

33) Do you believe in Heaven? Yes.

34) Favorite Show? Right now it's definitely House. Of all time, Star Trek: The Next Generation.

35) What jewelry do you wear? none. I wear a watch every day (I have four different watches in regular rotation).

36) Are you eating? Not right now. But I likely will later.

37) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes.

38) Do you keep commitments? Yes, otherwise I feel a great deal of guilt.

39) Can you dance? No.

40) Would you ever have plastic surgery? It depends on what kind of surgery we're talking about. Probably nothing too invasive . . . or maybe not.

41) What do you wear to bed? 99% of the time I wear pajamas. I have some really cute and comfy ones.

42) Have you ever done anything illegal? Little minor things such as jay-walking.

43) Can you roll your tongue? Yes

44) What kind of shoes are you wearing? None right now. I was wearing my brown slippers earlier. They aren't a fashion statement, they are just the best pair of slippers I've ever owned.
45) What is your hair color? My black-haired students describe my hair as blonde, but I myself call it light brown.

46) Future child's name? Maybe Emily or Laura. David or Michael for a boy.

47) Do you snore? I don't think so.

48) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Many, many cities in Europe. Paris, London, Venice, Rome, etc.

49) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Sometimes if I'm lonely.

50) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off my mortgage and student loan. Then I would go on a nice, relaxing vacation!

51) Gold or silver? I think gold suits me best.

52) If you could meet anybody in history, who would it be? Hitler. I'd slap him upside the head several times.

53) City, beach or country? To visit, probably the beach first and then the city, like New York.

54) What was the last thing you touched? Remote control.

55) Where did you eat out last? Had a burger from A&W today.

56) When's the last time you cried? Last week when I found out that a friend from Church passed away.

57) Do you read blogs? Yes! I love reading blogs. I've added a few more to the list of blogs I read.

58) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Sure. Why not?

59) Ever been involved with the police? No.

60) Do you have pets? Not right now. I wouldn't mind getting a cat one day though.

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