Sunday, September 03, 2006


I've visited a couple of other blogs today that have this posted, so I thought I'd give it a try. Will I actually make it to 100? You have to read on to find out!

1. My middle name is Wilma.
2. My favourite colour is pink.
3. It used to be purple.
4. Know how I knew my favourite colour was pink? My students told me! It was because I wear a lot of pink!
5. I am slightly claustrophobic.
6. Elevators don't bother me, but the closed door of my (way smaller than public school) classroom does.
7. So does the corn maze.
8. I have a fear of heights.
9. The skytrain doesn't bother me, but standing on a footstool does.
10. I am deathly afraid of snakes.
11. I can't even look at pictures of snakes in books or magazines. You can imagine what seeing the commercial or trailer for the movie "Snakes on a Plane" does to me.
12. I love watching TV.
13. I love watching movies.
14. Most of the movies I go see I go to by myself.
15. Being able to see a movie by yourself is very liberating.
16. I check my e-mail obsessively throughout the day.
17. I get mad when I don't get new e-mail.
18. I am a teacher.
19. Sometimes I don't want to be a teacher anymore.
20. I have no idea what I would do my life if I weren't a teacher.
21. I love teaching grammar!
22. I learned a LOT of grammar just be being thrown into the situation of having to teach advanced grammar.
23. The first class of teenagers I taught had 3 students in it!
24. The second day it went up to 5.
25. I did my education degree in primary education.
26. Now I teach teenagers.
27. I firmly believe that all teachers should be trained in primary education, even if they plan on teaching high school.
28. Most of the teachers I had in school were awesome.
29. My sister was a teacher at the same school I work at.
30. Now she sells insurance 3.5 days a week.
31. I didn't get my first credit card until I was in University.
32. That's because I didn't think I would be able to discipline myself enough not to spend, spend, spend and get into debt.
33. I pay my credit card bill in full each month.
34. I love reality television.
35. I don't watch shows like the Bachelor because I think they're boring.
36. I watch Survivor, the Amazing Race, Big Brother, Hell's Kitchen, the Apprentice and America's Next Top Model.
37. I used to watch American Idol, but not anymore.
38. I found Canadian Idol to be extremely boring.
39. I found Canada's Next Top Model to be extremely boring too.
40. My favourite show is House.
41. I am madly in love with Hugh Laurie.
42. I consider myself a Trekkie and I'm proud of it.
43. I have been to 10 Star Trek conventions.
44. Patrick Stewart was in Vancouver for a Star Trek convention once when I was 13. I wasn't allowed to go. I will always regret not sneaking out of the house to go.
45. I used to be madly in love with Patrick Stewart.
46. People tease me mercilessly for being in love with Patrick Stewart. But I don't care.
47. My love for Hugh Laurie has surpassed my love for Patrick Stewart.
48. I have a thing for British men.
49. It's their sexy British accent.
50. Strangely, I've never been a fan of British comedies.
51. One of my favourite singers is Bette Midler.
52. I love to sing.
53. I used to belong to my church choir.
54. I haven't been to Church in a long time.
55. It's because I'm too lazy to get out of bed early on Sunday morning to catch the two buses I would need to take to get to Church.
56. I miss singing.
57. I have sung solos in the choir before.
58. I have never sung karaoke.
59. I know someone whose baby is due TODAY!
60. Today is my mom and stepdad's wedding anniversary.
61. I don't have a driver's license.
62. I am addicted to reading blogs.
63. There are about 15 blogs bookmarked on my computer.
64. I check them at least once a day.
65. There are about 5 other blogs that I read once in a while too.
66. I don't find my blog particularly interesting.
67. I read celebrity gossip as well.
68. I buy People and Us magazine weekly.
69. I recycle the magazines by bringing them to school so my students can cut out the pictures for their projects.
70. I don't particularly like Jennifer Aniston.
71. I am rooting for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to be together forever (or at least for a really long time)
72. This list is really hard.
73. I used to love watching He-Man.
74. I used to love watching She-Ra.
75. I have never seen Gone With The Wind. The few minutes I've watched of it I've found boring.
76. I have never watched Casablanca either.
77. For a long time I refused to watch The Mirror has Two Faces because I don't like Barbra Streisand.
78. Now The Mirror has Two Faces is one of my favourite movies.
79. Sense and Sensibility is one of my other favourite movies.
80. My former boss gave me the nickname "Sarcastic Wench"
81. I don't like Nicole Kidman.
82. I think I might actually make it to 100.
83. I walk to work every morning.
84. It takes me twenty minutes.
85. I love living so close to work!
86. I am a 10 minutes (maximum) walk away from the skytrain station.
87. I can list all the skytrain stations, in order, between King George and Waterfront.
88. I like the sound of rain.
89. I prefer being cold than being hot.
90. I keep two sweaters at work. Both are navy blue.
91. I keep one in the staffroom and one in my classroom.
92. I don't know why I have two sweaters at work.
93. I have two university degrees. One is in English, one is in Education.
94. My high school reunion is in October.
95. I'm not going to my reunion. The people I wanted to keep in touch with, I did.
96. I want my sister to have a baby so that I can be a real aunt. I think I'd be a good aunt.
97. Je veux aller a Paris!
98. My best friend is a french immersion kindergarten teacher.
99. My extended family all live in Germany.
100. One day I will go and visit them there.
101. I can't believe I made it to 100!

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